Boxing Video Game Absence Shows Neglect from Gaming Industry

The first boxing video game premiered in 1980, with Atari 2600 nearly 40 years ago. Today, the gaming industry has neglected the old sport, going almost seven years without producing a major boxing video game. Boxing is seeing a heavy resurgence, currently holding the highest selling Pay-Per-Views, having the highest grossing athlete -- Floyd Mayweather. Where is our boxing video game?
Boxing video game history ranges from classic titles like Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (1987) on Nintendo, to Fight Night Champion (2011) on Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360. It has become a glaring void in the gaming community that people want to see a current-gen boxing video game.
EA Sports has carried the torch for boxing games starting with Knockout Kings (1998-2003) and Fight Night (2004-2011). Today, EA has devoted their efforts and resources to UFC. However, the latest release UFC 3 experienced price cuts soon after the game hit stores. The game is currently experiencing poor sales and to a degree lacking true star power.
Boxing and the gaming industry deserve an enjoyable game under current technology. The question is, why is the gaming industry neglecting to provide its consumers, by not producing a boxing video game?
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Please make a new boxing game I remember the good old days when me and my brother would come home and hop on round 4 fight night. I could easily say that the game was my favorite but unfortunately y’all stopped making them
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